The Startup CTO

The Startup CTO

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Preparing your repositories for Hacktoberfest

Hacktoberfest is upon us. Starting 1st of October, we will all be celebrating Open Source contributions with tons of swag. But while contributors still have to wait for the 1st of October to get their contributions counted, now is still Preptember: The time to prepare your repositories.

Read the article Preparing your repositories for Hacktoberfest

Automatically generating README files with jsx-readme

It's the first thing that greets you when you look at an npm package, be it on npm itself or in the source on GitHub: The file. What if, instead of having to update the README file manually whenever your code changes, the README could just stay up-to-date auto-magically?

Read the article Automatically generating README files with jsx-readme

Moist code - Why code should not be completely DRY

At some point, each developer encounters the term “dry code”. It comes from the acronym DRY for “Don’t repeat yourself”. But if code is too dry, it easily can become brittle. To keep the code moldable, it is helpful to leave in a bit of repetition - a concept I personally like to call “Moist code”.

Read the article Moist code - Why code should not be completely DRY